Commercial Project
Hybrid | Volume 02: Conflict

Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture
Editorial Board:
Asma Mundrawala
Durreshahwar Alvi
Omer Wasim

Editor: Durreshahwar Alvi

Publication Design & Layout | Cover Design

Printed by:
Topical Printers, Lahore, Pakistan

Project Description
The Hybrid is a thematic periodical aimed at fostering a culture of research and writing at the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture and beyond. 

“As civilisation evolved in different parts of the world, the reasons of conflict went from being rooted in survival of the physical being, to culture, ideologies, and systems of thinking—all eventually interwoven. Conflict, originally derived from the Latin word conflictus (to strike together), embodied not just competition that was violent in nature—for basic survival needs like food and water—but also over the way the world was perceived and which perception should prevail. Hence, conflicts between individuals and tribes became more complex as they— simultaneously and unknowingly—became about culture and ideologies. No matter how much we wish we had evolved away from such conflicts, we see its many manifestations even today and so it becomes imperative for some of us to continue striving to comprehend, resolve, and document such conflicts.” - Durreshahwar Alvi

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